The Allure of Peridot: August’s Birthstone 

August Birthstone Spotlight: What is Peridot? Myths and Benefits

Welcome to the world of Peridot, the enchanting birthstone of August. As we delve into the captivating allure of this gem, we'll uncover its origins, the myths surrounding it, and the incredible benefits it offers.

The Origins of Peridot
Peridot, often called the "Evening Emerald" due to its brilliant green hue, is a gemstone with a history as rich as its color. Its name is believed to have originated from the Arabic word "faridat," meaning gem, and it has been cherished for thousands of years.

A Gem of Fire and Earth
Peridot's unique green colour results from its mineral composition, primarily consisting of the mineral olivine. This gem forms deep within the Earth's mantle and is brought to the surface through volcanic activity. As a result, Peridot is considered a gem of both fire and earth, symbolizing the power of nature itself.

The Myths Surrounding Peridot
Peridot has been steeped in fascinating myths and legends from various cultures throughout history.

Egyptian Treasure
One of the most notable historical associations is with ancient Egypt, where Peridot was believed to be the gem of the sun god Ra. Cleopatra herself was said to have favored Peridot, considering it a symbol of power and protection. In fact, some of the "emeralds" in her famous jewelry collection are believed to have been Peridots.

Hawaiian Tears
Hawaii has its own unique Peridot legend. The Hawaiians believed that Peridot gemstones were the tears of the volcano goddess, Pele. These green gemstones were thought to possess mystical powers and protect against evil spirits.

The Benefits of Peridot
Beyond its intriguing history and mythology, Peridot offers a range of benefits that make it a truly special gemstone.

  • Healing Properties
  • Peridot is often associated with healing and renewal. It's believed to alleviate stress, anxiety, and negative emotions, promoting a sense of well-being and positivity.
  •  Protection and Strength
  • In ancient times, Peridot was worn as a talisman to ward off evil spirits and provide protection. It's also considered a symbol of strength, helping its wearer face challenges with resilience.
  • Balance and Harmony
  • This gemstone is said to balance emotions and promote harmony in relationships. It encourages openness, love, and acceptance, making it an ideal gift for loved ones.
  • Spiritual Growth
  • Peridot is thought to enhance spiritual growth and awareness. It's associated with the heart chakra, fostering love and compassion and encouraging personal growth.

Peridot, with its vibrant green colour, intriguing history, and remarkable benefits, stands as a gemstone of true allure and significance. Whether you're an August baby celebrating your birthstone or drawn to its beauty and mystique, Peridot captivates hearts and minds with its timeless charm. As you wear Peridot jewellery, remember the stories, myths, and positive energy it embodies, making it a gem and a cherished part of your journey.